Everybody hates Hollywood these days. Everybody complains about the crappy movies. I got tired of complaining about Hollywood and decided to become my own Hollywood and make short films using my drawings. Then I had to find a theater that would show my films. That didn’t work out too good.
That’s how I came up with the idea for the G’Lume.
It’s kinda like Newfield’s Lume except instead of walking through pretty impressionist landscapes by Monet or Van Gogh, visitors can immerse themselves in my depressing hellscape artwork and dystopian films.
The projection room of The G’Lume is a new concept I call Micro-Cinema, which is really an old concept going back to early days of film when one-reelers were shown in carnival tents. All the films would be short and no dialogue so people can talk and walk around. No seats so people can exit quickly if they hate it. The films are on a loop so I don’t have to be there. The projector cost me only $100 at Best Buy and is amazingly good for the price!
So, last Friday, January 5th. The G’Lume debuted in Room 60 at the Circle City Industrial Complex and it went very well. I will be repeating the G’Lume every First Friday and hope to screen other local filmmakers’ short films in addition to my own films. Next First Friday is Groundhog Day, February 2nd.